NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER - Falling in Love with Letting Go!

"It's me, HI, I'm the problem it's me." Not sure if you have heard those lyrics by Taylor Swift in her song Anti-Hero , however for some reason I am connecting immensely with those words these days. I am not sure why, however one thing comes to mind...I AM IN MY OWN WAY...and it is time to let go of the fear and uncertainty blockages that have kept me from my doing what I love the most and that is CREATING. I have been away from my passion of KRISTA LYNN DESIGNS for quite some time.....I take full accountability of neglecting what I love and know that it is a problem when I stop listening to my inner voice and creative spirit within. In doing that, stress, sickness, anxiety come to play every day. So here we are in the month of November and my immediate thought that always comes to mind is GRATITUDE. I am grateful for all that has happened thus far but also know that I need to FALL IN LOVE with LETTING GO! There is beauty in that. I need to let go of what no longer serves me and I need to fall in love with that process and allow what may.....fall into place.
I took a trip to Maine at the end of September to reconnect to my artist within and fell in love with the process of creating. In the days to come, I will share what has come to light and hope that you will join me on the journey. I am forever grateful to everyone that has crossed my family, my friends....myself.
I took a trip to Maine at the end of September to reconnect to my artist within and fell in love with the process of creating. In the days to come, I will share what has come to light and hope that you will join me on the journey. I am forever grateful to everyone that has crossed my family, my friends....myself.
Wishing you all love, kindness and good health!
Krista Lynn
Krista Lynn